Louise Mathewson - Author & Poet
"A gem is not polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." Proverb

Many thanks to the extraordinary Lee Woodruff, author, TBI and veterans' advocate, and cofounder of Stand4Heroes with the Bob Woodruff Foundation for recommending my book!
"Louise Mathewson's book, "A Life Interrupted," is a compelling memoir in poetry that tells the story of her recovery from & life with a traumatic brain injury. She captures the feelings that arise along the process of waking from a coma, relearning critical life skills, and coping with long term effects of the injury. Her poetry gives the reader a deep sense of the these struggles. This book would be a help to not only survivors, but to families and health professionals, due to its perspective of being inside an injured brain." - Lee Woodruff
Inspiration to share
Inspirational author and speaker Louise Mathewson is available for group speaking engagements. A certified Journal to the Self® instructor who uses journaling as a creative outlet for healing, Louise is also available for workshops and instructing small groups in this method. For more information, contact Louise.

Message from Louise
The issue of unaccompanied migrant children at the US-Mexican border continues to be of grave concern. Learn how you can help this humanitarian crisis by visiting these nonprofit organization websites: The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights, The Florence Project, and the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project, a project of the Urban Justice Center.

The author of the acclaimed book, A Life Interrupted: Living with Brain Injury (Pearlsong Press), short stories, narrative essays and poems, Louise Mathewson’s work has been published in numerous magazines, journals and anthologies – including the first volume of the bestselling book series, Cup of Comfort.
While Louise has always written about the sacred moments in everyday experiences, today those experiences hold even deeper meaning. In February 2003 she emerged from a two-week coma following an auto-accident in which she suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Though a struggle at first, Louise returned to her writing as soon as she was able. She has since used her writing (and poetry in particular) to help her cope with the physical effects of the accident, recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder, and in the emotional part of her healing process. Today, Louise shares her story of hope and healing through the creative process with patients and others who have been affected by brain injury, stroke and other disabilities.

Louise Mathewson
Photo: Keith Baumbaugh

The Book
A collection of poems chronicling Louise's recovery from a brain damaging car accident. Included are journal therapy writing prompts and other resources Louise found helpful in transcending trauma.
Thanks to the editors of the Brain Injury Resource Center of Wisconsin, Inc. (BIRCofWI) who gave my book, A Life Interrupted: Living with Brain Injury, a 5-star review in their quarterly newsletter!
Read more reviews at the publisher's website.
Get the Book at Amazon.com and visit Louise's author page.
Louise talks with best-selling author Kay Adams
Listen in as Louise is interviewed by Kay Adams, best-selling author, speaker, psychotherapist and visionary in the field of journal therapy, for the JournalVerse Ask the Experts podcast radio series. Click the audio player below to listen to the August 2014 interview, and learn more about the therapeutic benefits of journaling at JournalVerse.com, an international learning community for writers and facilitators.
Free e-Book
Get your FREE copy of Louise's PDF format eBook, Tips for Managing TBI.
Tune in
CLICK HERE to listen in as Louise discusses her book, A Life Interrupted, in an audiocast interview with publisher Peggy Elam, first recorded and broadcast on Pearlsong Conversations in 2012.