Louise Mathewson - Author & Poet
"A gem is not polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." Proverb
Poetry Sampler
A Day to Remember
It’s Thursday
an anniversary, of sorts
my body remembers
my mind does not
heaviness builds in my chest
eyes fill
another wave of grief threatens
a storm
upon the ocean of my life
waves build slowly
life changed in an instant.
This story
I was told
hit from behind
our car spun on black ice
struck a guard rail
slid across the pavement
smashed into an oncoming car
my door
the target.
My head hit hard
brain bounced inside my skull
blood vessels shirred
lobes bruised
neurons stretched
beyond capacity,
safety in the world destroyed.
The old me
put to rest.
©Louise Mathewson. First published in
A Life Interrupted. Nashville: Pearlsong Press, Oct 2012

run up my arms
I hunger
for a soft cocoon
lined in velvet
while cells
rearrange themselves
in my vessel
the angel of transformation
a new
of beauty.
©Louise Mathewson. First published in
A Life Interrupted. Nashville: Pearlsong Press, Oct 2012
In The Night
In the dark of night
she heard
Soul speak,
“You are a prophet.”
Again, it spoke,
“You are a poet,
gold to the world.
Let your light shine.”
She awoke,
tried it on
in a whisper,
“I am a poet.”
©Louise Mathewson. First published in Breath and Shadow: Journal of Literature & Disability Culture, Fall/Winter 2008, Vol. 5, No. 7.